WALK OF FAME—Donald O Jansen points to his listing
on the Heckerling Estate Planning Conference floor exhibit
honoring those who have spoken there more than 10 times.
 Donald O. Jansen was selected as an Outstanding Eagle Scout in 2014 by the National Eagle Scout Association. The award is presented to Eagle Scouts for a lifetime of service to their profession, state and community
Donald O. Jansen was inducted into the Estate Planning Hall of Fame® by the National Association of Estate Planners and Councils in 2017 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans. Coincidentally, the induction ceremony, attended by 500, was held on Jansen’s birthday, and in New Orleans where he graduated from the Loyola Law School. Post-ceremony, his wife, judge Janice Law, arranged a celebratory luncheon in the famous Commander’s Palace restaurant. Attendees included Fr. James Carter, President Emeritus of Loyola University, and several of Jansen’s Loyola classmates. |
TAXATION OF BUSINESS LIFE INS. - Speaker Don Jansen and his wife Judge Janice Law discuss the finer points of valuation of life insurance policies and the income taxation of business life insurance -after a croquet match in L.A. at the Culver Studios.