
BETTER THAN GRAUMAN’s—Donald O Jansen, Jan 15, 2016,
Orlando Florida points to his listing on the Walk of Fame at the
annual Heckerling Estate Planning Conference where he joins
those who have spoken there more than 10 times.
- “Leveraging Life Insurance Premium Payments Using Split-Dollar and Related Party Premium Financing Techniques,” co-authored with Lawrence Brody, American Bar Association, 2017.
- “The often Overlooked Income Tax rules of Life Insurance Policies,” co-author with Lawrence Brody, Willamette Management Associates Insight Magazine. Autumn, 2013.
- “The Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust” – third Edition, Co-Editor with Lawrence Brody, The Insurance Counselor Series, Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section, American Bar Association (2011)
- “Split Dollar Insurance and Premium Financing Planning,” ALI-ABA Estate Planning Course Materials Journal, June, 2008 (Part 1) and August, 2008 (Part 2)
- “Discount Private Split-Dollar – Does It Work?” – co-authored with Charles L. Ratner, Trusts & Estates Magazine, May 2008, p. 19
- "Split Dollar, Deferred Compensation and Life Insurance" - Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Advanced Planning Bulletin. March 15, 2007.
- "Giving Birth to, Caring for, and Feeding the Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust" - American Bar Association Real Property, Probate and Trust Journal, Fall 2006.
- “Section 2042 From Soup to Nuts” - American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Notes; Summer 1996.
- “Federal Income Taxation of Life Insurance” - 1st edition, Editor, The Insurance Counselor Series, Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section, American Bar Assocation (1995)
- “Whither Goest Equity Split Dollar? Notice 2001-10 and Its Aftermath” - American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Journal, Summer 2001.
- “How Real Is Repeal? The Transfer Tax Provisions of the 2001 Act” - The Texas Tax Lawyer, October 2001.
- "Taxation of Split Dollar Life Insurance Arrangement Under the Final Regulation" - American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Journal, Spring, 2004.
- "The New Split Dollar Rules: Requiem or Rejuvenation?" - American College of Trust and Estate Counsel Journal, Winter, 2002
- "Public Law 85-804 and Extraordinary Contractual Relief" - Georgetown Law Journal, (1967)
- "Insurance Development Since ERTA of 1981 Report" - American Bar Association Real Property, Probate & Trust Journal
- "Life Insurance" -- Editor, Chapter N:9 - CCH Incorporated Federal Tax Service, Fall, 1982
- "A Fresh Look at Tax Consequences of Split Dollar Life Insurance" - CCH Incorporated Financial and Estate Planning, 1985
- "Universal Life Promotes Insurance Creativity" - Trusts & Estate Magazine, July 1985